Cyclic Insanity Rears Its Ugly Head

Screen Shot 2016-06-13 at 1.05.20 PM
…define, insanity.  image/@taliesan1969


Repeated lunacies, broken records
clash and wreck trains.
As often as Mercury goes retrograde,
the result has never changed….
The result has never tried to change.

Why did this happen?
Why does this continue to happen?
Insanity, just to ask.

We refuse to change.
Kicking and screaming,
Stumbling into familiar feelings,
fumbling through developmentally arrested tantrums.
“Me, me, me!” and “I want, I want, I want!”

What do you want?
You want a different outcome.
After each and every single failure,
You expect, a different flavor.

We grow tired
and so we sleep.
He slept for an entire cycle,
hadn’t lived in a bottle for well over a year.
Once woke, black curtains drawn,
white walls reflecting…

Change is inevitable.
Be it out of need.
be it out of necessity.

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